Check Valves

V703 Series Dual Plate Check Valves

Size Range,
DN50 - DN600
Working Temeprature,
-30 ºC ~ +180 ºC  (Depending on Seat)
Working Pressure,
Max 16 bar


V703 Series Dual Plate Check Valves

Available in sizes from DN50 to DN600 with two spring-loaded D-shaped discs. Designed to be clamped between flanges in either vertical or horizontal position. Travel of the disc from the fully open to the closed position is smaller than in single plate check valves,therefore the response of the valve to retarding flow is very fast. Low Noise / Less restriction to flow in the full open position / Substantially lower pressure drop Suitable to use with general service piping systems, water, oil, gasoline, chemicals - compressible gasses and compressed air

Technicial Specifications


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V703 Series Dual Plate Check Valves CatalogueENG259.44 Kb